A banana & a duck share 99.9% of their DNA

Which is why they are both used so prolifically in Chinese cookery.

That is of course one huge pork pie (lie) but I couldn't think of a witty title for this blip, the last you will be pleased to hear in this short banana themed run.

Off to Darlington tonight for the wedding on Saturday. I can hardly contain my excitement. Much more exciting was season 4 of Game of Thrones which I have just finished watching. I also recently finished reading book 6 and the degree to which the books and the tv series are out of sync is really beginning to give me issues. First off it's just plain annoying that they feel the need to vary (dumb down) the story line and even more annoying is that events are happening totally out of sequence in the tv series which is causing havoc inside my head. Still, as they say on Mastermind, 'I've started so I'll finish'.

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