Auld Pulpit

It remains windy but mostly dry, the odd light shower and some sunny spells too :)

I've had the day off today and been busy.  I spent the morning in the Sheriff Court.  I was up for being a witness but thankfully the lady plead guilty, so I didn't have to appear in the court.  I saw some faces there that seem to be there every other week, I never want to be inside the building again!!
After lunch, it was time to get out and about and into the fresh air.  I had planned walk looking for an abandoned WWII Homeguard bunker that my granny knew about.  It's a mystery to where it's at but the hill I know roughly where it is, was too wet and damp, I'll head back another day :)  
I went for a drive about the westside and ended up heading to Semblister for a walk with Sammy.  
Night off from the pub and everything else :)  Just got walkies planned with Sammy and then the feet are going up on the sofa for the night :)

The lovely old kirk at Semblister has been abandoned for years now, since the 1940s!  The congregation and the pews have long left the building, leaving mostly an empty shell.  The stairwell remains and the upper floor can still be accessed and a great view to the empty and quiet pulpit below.  I wonder how much longer the old kirk will keep the roof on?  The windows have long gone, the roof won't be far in following.  

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