
Tiny Tussock reporting.

It was (DDD) double dose day today as The Boss went out to have some off the top (haircut) and went up to the top (Mt Iron)  and not content with that decided to go sno shooing without sno shoos at The Snow Farm minus Granny (acycling) who has a cold and didn’t want to risk The Boss getting it…because…
Plus she didn’t feel like slogging around in the sno either. 

Now these marks in the sno are probably not made by Yaks as I don’t think we have them except maybe in a zoo so probably it might have been a large Rabbit or a small Abdominal Snowman. That’s an Abominable Snowman with a larger tummy..OK? 
Anyway Yak Trax  are rubber slip on’s with sharp metal coil bits on the bottom that enable you to walk easily on ice, sno and stuff without slipping and as long as you don’t go off piste too seriously they are way easier to walk with than sno shoes and today we were in a wander mood and it all worked a treat.
The Snow Farm is showing signs of Spring in some places but there was a large group of older kids there today who were having a ball digging tunnels in the deeper drifts, supervised by oldies in hi vis jackets. It looked hard work but also a lot of fun. Big T would have loved it and it was fun to watch all that energy being expended without having to expend any ourselves.

There are a couple of extra’s today and all this came from the iPhone altho he had the full kit on his back. The Boss struggles with his camera in the sno as the bright light and cold temperatures make his photo chromatic specs completely black and he can’t see diddly  through the viewfinder or liveview.


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