
I think there was some nice sunny weather at some point today, but by the time I left work it was raining.  I do hate wearing sandals in the rain.  BB had football training tonight - TT and BB both came home drookit.  I planned to go for a run and as the rain was almost off when I got home, I was still up for it.  However before I had time to get my kit out, it was pouring again, so my plan was off.  Instead I have spent time completing a few more forms that BB has brought home from school.  One was to give permission for him to receive the flu vaccine in November.  Winter must be approaching fast!

New words in BB’s reading book tonight included psychiatrist and marijuana.  Apart from having no idea what it is about yet, it is written in American English, e.g.  color.  I’m not sure that I approve of this at his age as he is still learning to spell in English English.

A real blip famine today.  Just as well I bought these sunflowers at the weekend.

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