A Lincoln Baron

This is “An expansive Place” Baron, one of the 25 that can be found in Lincoln at present. More details can be found HERE

Bomber Baron is my extra picture today.

I capture both of these at the top of Steep Hill on our way to lunch. We had spent the morning hanging pictures for R in her new office and in reception at the college and were in need of a bit of light refreshment.

Later on I went over to Doddington Hall to have another look at the Quilt Exhibition which finishes today. 

I then collected the girls (dogs) as they are staying the night with us. R has an evening out with the staff and will stay with us as well. A first for all 3 of them, so hopefully everyone will be comfortable. 

Lottie is being a bit of a pain at present and is whining; Pippa is curled up in her blanket and is a gem.

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