Where's David Cameron???

So................. today, the rumour went around town that David Cameron was in St Ives having lunch.  Well it must have been true because we kept getting snippets of information popping up on our Facebook page??!!

‘Bank Holiday Sunday’ and it’s been chucking it down with rain all day.  Ann’s been at work getting all the end of month invoicing sent out.  And I had to go with her because she was there for most of the day and I never, ever, get left ‘home alone’ all day.

At STAR the normal opening hours are Mon – Sat, 9am – 5pm, so Ann was expecting peace and quiet on a Sunday.  You wouldn’t believe the number of people who have phoned today and started the conversation with, ‘Oh, I didn’t think you’d be open today.’  So why are they phoning?  Duh!!!

Anyway after work we decided to go for a little trek around town to see if we could see David Cameron.  I’d already decided what I was going to say to him.  I was going to say, ‘Hello Mr Prime Minster, I’m Molly the gorgeous collie and I thought you might like to be blipped with me?’

................But we couldn’t find the PM anywhere.  There again, it’s been raining all day, so even if he were in town having lunch and our FB posts didn’t actually mention a specific location he probably didn’t hang around to mooch about in the rain like all the normal tourists.

And this is a blip of me posing with an almost empty beach behind me.

But guess what?.........................  Weather app shows a big smiley sunshine for tomorrow, so Ann’s off to the 'Newlyn Fish Festival' and I’m going to my dog sitters. Yay!!!

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