
This is our friend Denise.

This evening Ann said, ‘Molly we are going to the Beach Bar to drink wine with Denise because the Beach Bar probably won’t be open for much longer.  Summer is almost over!!!’

When we got to the Beach Bar I lay down on the decking right next to the sand.  I’m not allowed on the beach until the 1st October and that’s a very long time for a gorgeous little collie like me to wait for a play on the beach.  Anyway, I was having a snooze when a little person came up and started stroking me.  I like being stroked by little people.

But do you know what the little person did?.......................  She got a handful of sand and tipped it on top of my head??!!  I was ever so good.  I didn’t even react.  Ann brushed it off my head and the little person got into trouble.  Her mummy told her to leave me alone.

And then Ann said I had to jump up on to the bench next to Denise and be blipped.  Well jumping up onto the bench was a bit of an energetic move when all I wanted to do was snooze.  And do you know what Denise did? Or didn’t do?  She didn’t support my bum???  So I had to pose in this position when all the time my bum was hanging off the bench and Denise didn’t even help me to get comfy???

....................I was very glad when Ann had finished blipping me and I could go back into snooze mode under the table!!!

.............And our weather app is showing rain, rain & more rain for tomorrow.  Booohooooo!!!

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