A winning garden

In 1988
The WI and Bridgemere Garden World (Cheshire) won a gold medal and the Wilkinson's Sword Award at the Chelsea Flower Show with the Countrywoman's Garden. 

This is at our local Garden Centre where I spent quite alot of the day with my two daughters and Lily (youngest granddaughter).  Lots to do and see for a 5 year old, Hobby Craft was quite a draw and Ripples too where Lily helped Aunty Lucy choose some fish for her pond;  lots for us to see and do too.  Really loved this WI Cottage Garden. 
In Extras:The young blackbird is still hanging round the fruit & veg stall waiting for hand outs and Lily's sucking on a piece of lemon, lots of distasteful expressions!!

We're all nicely tired now after our busy day and Lily went out like a light!!

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