
I blipped this painting (the work of Mrs IntotheHills - not me!!) when it was half way through its process - half way done & the view its based on can also be found here.
The camera and lighting mean the best image I've been able to take is a little darker than the real thing, but the Artist accepted it as a fair representation of her work.

It's been a dreadful start to a bank holiday weekend weatherwise. We got soaked on the first dog walk of the day. I got soaked on the second. There was a lot of rain inbetween. So some reading of tender documents quickly gave way to a lazy day and a movie, hopefully I'll finish my book this evening with a glass of something nice & the fire lit.

*Question for fellow blippers - is there anything going on with blip nowadays? & and has anyone had any luck getting their own blip book type project done? I'm intending to speak to some printers when I'm back from my next trip to the Alps, but it would be good to hear if people have any tips, thanks.

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