All you can eat buffet

Nice day today.....cooler and breezy, but plenty of sun. Walked out for papers, then a coffee whilst we watched last nights world athletics.
Well done Mo Farrah :-)

Then daughter and partner called round to collect all their boxed up belongs from our garage, they are almost there now. Hub took some too, in our car. I swept out the garage, cleared all,the cobwebs off the up and over door, which doesn't get opened very often, as our garage is used for everything bar storing our car ;-) first time it's been relatively empty for a long time too.

We had dippy eggs and soldiers when hub got back...a late lunch, but enjoyable nevertheless.

Ive made some pork fennel and chilli burgers for dinner later, with salad and new potatoes.
Hub has been cutting back some things in the garden, that had got a bit leggy. I've been cutting off all the dead flower heads from our hostas, verbascum a and rodgersia. Disturbed a couple of frogs in the process.....they hopped back into the pond.

Lots of the geranium leaves are now beginning to look like lace curtains, they are being eaten....I'm guessing this is one of the culprits, as colourful as it is!

The garden is still looking pretty good, but there are signs that summer is coming to an end, if you can call what we've had, summer!

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