Growing old disgracefully



I'm so bored by my photography I'm photoshopping everything.  On holiday soon and hoping to get a bit of a boost then.  I had an image of fennel, but for some reason Blip didn't like it, maybe it had been photoshopped too much?  I've had to cut some of the fennel back to get access to the neighbour's plot .  I miss it's ferny exhuberance. I wish now I had taken images of the plot before I started the work cos the transformation is already dramatic.  Two days ago it was knee high in woods and there was even a small forest of sycamore - today it is like the Somme, but by next week I hope to have it ready for planting. 

To town today to meet a lovely colleague and plot some collaboration, then quick dash home to meet with our contractor (alias my handsome big brother).

  We are emptying the house in preparation for the work one shelf at a time (see extra) . Bags and bags to charity shops and still there's more.  It's almost empty now and echoes oddly.  But is also so satisfying  - akin to a really good bowel movement. 

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