Path by the Loch (Day 113)

I trundled out to work early this morning, leaving my beautiful wife to do the morning dog walk. As I drove to town I was jealous that I couldn't be out in the sunshine enjoying the warmth.
The job was supposed to be a simple tap change on a basin and re-sealing round a bath. It wasn't simple. The tap was welded to the underside of the basin with rust and whoever had sealed the bath previously had managed to put an inch thick layer of silicone behind the bath taps. It took forever to scrape it off before I could spend 5 minutes applying the new sealant.
HV and I met at Brodgar and we enjoyed a walk together in the sunshine. It was almost too warm.
It has been a beautiful day but the rain has come now, just in time for all the folks setting up tents at the local bike rally...

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