Miracle never cease

By CeeCee

How to be woken up with a bang ^#%^%##%^#

Picture the scene, snuggled down in brand new pillows finally fallen asleep after a troubled night.To be awoken at 4.00am on the dot by a gentle, soft paw tapping me on the cheek. Yes, my ever loving companion, Gabriel (my cat.) Having only just got to sleep I politely grunted, told her to go back to sleep and put my head under the duvet. Silence. Ahhh bliss. How wrong could I be. It was the quiet before the storm. The next thing I knew there was an almighty THUD on my chest, momentarily winding me. A not so subtle reminder that Gabriel was awake and wanted feeding! Again, showing who was boss, important I think, I ignored her only to have her jump on my head and promptly sit there!!

Hence the blip. Gabriel got her own way......once AGAIN. She got her breakfast, so I made a wee pot of Earl Grey and went back to bed. I can never help but smile when I use my teapot. I just wish I was not so early :-(

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