Miracle never cease

By CeeCee

Stylistic perfection even in the rain

I peeped out of my curtains early yesterday morning( my body had forgotten it was the weekend and I could have had a lie in) and saw RAIN. Not the kind of sight that spurs you on for the day, which I hasted to add made ME retreat back to bed with my book. Far warmer. I did however know that I HAD to go out at some point. After much umming and aghing, I finally left the house at 2.30. No rain.

Everywhere was wet, but a nice crisp fresh wet. I spent the next 30 mins taking some lovely pictures of rain soaked flowers. It's funny, they look at their most beautiful covered in rain drops. But my most favourite flower of all time is the Iris. It is so stylistic and has such an amazing shape. I was for a moment blown away by the sheer beauty of my blip- flower not my talent I need to add!!! If there was anyone looking out of the window at the time, they would have seen me just gazing at this Iris and taking loads of photos. I am quite sure they thought I had lost it, especially as it had started to rain again. Agh well, got some lovely photos. One suffers for ones Art you know:-)

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