
By HelsWels79

Fun at The Tetley

Grrrrrreat day. Took the morning off and met up with Jules, Llewie & Emmy for some Tiny Tot fun at The Tetley. The theme was lines and the boys really enjoyed the free play and fun, especially finding their way through the thick elastic as shown on my pic. Jules and I wondered if anyone would notice if we snuck off to the cafe for coffee....I think they might have!

Afternoon hugs, feeding and Jules & Tom visit. Learnt how to feed Neave down her NG tube for hopeful early release.

Then onto Claire's for scrumptious beef burgionon and salted chocolate profiteroles, chats n laughs (missed you Jules).

A million thanks for the (not pink) cool dude romper suits girls. Big thumbs up from myself n Wellsy xxx

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