Peterhead and latent affection

I discovered two things this morning:
I had danced atop Misssy's flipcam and my kids seemed to have ignored Fathers day.

The only Argos that had another Flip was in Peterhead, so I duly went. L'il Misssy managed to present me with a lovely bookmark that she remembered she had made too. I hang onto these scraps of affection.

Peterhead is beautifully weird. No nonsense, loyal folk with very much their own way. I like it. Although the planning for its sweeping bay still astounds me. Some folk at some point thought " right there's a big industrial port bit, let's put a play park and marina there. Oh, and a caravan site. And a high security prison. Let's build houses round it too so inmates can scream at families. " astounding. Someone was either blind or made a shut load of persuasion money.

Got Misssy new Flip cam and home to find Indy with a card and chocolate. He had bought it yesterday but needed to replace the bar as he ate the first one, he admitted sheepishly.

His message? Thank you for helping to conceive me.

No problem son.


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