All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan clearly knows how fickle the weather in Scotland can be and dressed accordingly today with his puddle suit plus two pairs of sunglasses!

I took him to his gymnastics class today - he managed to climb up some apparatus today which he hasn't managed before which impressed me. We then hot footed it to Overboard soft play where he had been invited to the birthday party of a wee boy he goes to nursery with. It was strange for me as I knew no-one there - not even the mum or birthday boy, I didn't even know what they looked like!

He had a nap in the afternoon as he was whacked after all that activity. Then hubbie took him up to Perth to pick up a sideboard we'd bought on ebay from a shop there. He ended up coming home without it though as there was no-one at the shop able to help him load it into the car and far too heavy for him to lift himself. So have to go back again next weekend. He then took Ethan to Tulibody to visit his sister and then a friend, not arriving back home till nearly 10pm! I spent all that "me time" listing some more of his old baby things on ebay!

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