All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Shopping is SO boring!

Ethan & I have had such a lovely day today.

His weekly swimming class at 10am. We did his favourite game at that (the kids have to collect animal shaped floats from the pool, then climb out the pool and stick them on the wall). He LOVED that. Wasn't so keen on swimming on his back though - refused to do it!

He was obviously worn out after that though as I went straight to Sainsbury's after the class and within 5 minutes, he was asleep in the trolley! At first, he kept resting his head on the bar at the front of the coin holder but his head kept bouncing off it when I pushed the trolley! So I ended up wedging my handbag at the side for him to use as a pillow instead. That worked much better and he napped for 1/2 hour until I got to the checkout and had to take my purse out my handbag! We got so many comments from members of staff on the way round the store too!

Once we got home, he ate a really good lunch (having already demolished a huge breakfast). We then went to Almond Valley Heritage Centre to meet my friend Lesley and her wee boy Logan. We haven't seen them properly since I went back to work in February so was fab to have a catch up. It's the first time I haven't taken the pushchair into the Heritage Centre and just let Ethan walk himself. He did great and loved the freedom to charge around with Logan. The boys even went on the nutty bouncer which was great fun and made a change from the trampolines. I got some great photos there that on any other day I would have used as todays blip. but the supermarket one won!

Back home, I made asparagus, broad bean and pea risotto while hubbie took Ethan to the park on the tricycle. We were just finishing off when Granny & Grandpa arrived, so Ethan was pleased to see them.

He's now absolutely worn out after an action packed day. But what a good day it was!

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