Dolly and Kiki

Just back from the vet with Kiki, a wee update for those who've been asking after her! The vet felt the lump was more defined, so decided to try putting a needle in to see if anything came out! They managed to get a core of pus out, which has confirmed that Kiki has an abscess! She used a cow needle but as it will be solid pus, they couldn't get much! The good thing is that she has been on strong antibiotics for a week which will have helped with any surrounding infection! She's going in on Wednesday to have it opened and cleaned out, afterwards it has to stay opened to be drained! She is going to get X-rays too, but they need to do six to get a good view of the whole jaw! Just to be difficult, the abscess is not in the usual place rabbits get abscesses, the vet says she has never seen one so high on a cheek before! Really quite worried about her now!

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