
By Madchickenwoman


Well it's going to be a long while before those mugs are full of anything but water! It was just full on mizzle most of the day - no one on the allotment this morning or evening except me, the chickens and Flora. I'm not sure where the rest of the day went! I did discover that the unpleasant smell at the allotment was mostly me! Well my raincoat to be more precise! It was giving off a strong smell of damp, which mixed with broken eggs in the nesting boxes and  slurry on the plot from chicken poo and wet mud made for quite a pungent aroma! You may be pleased to hear it is now in the washing machine! 
I went up early knowing the girls would be going to bed early in the low light level, yet still came back in the dark as I got taken up with digging channels to drain the water away from where it was collecting around the coop. Then I pulled up the long grass around the fence and repositioned the poles to make sure the fence wasn't sagging and inviting the girls to jump out or any predator in! Emptying my compost bucket I got freaked out by catching sight of Flora - she really is a most menacing sight looming out of the darkness in her shabby clothes . I thought someone was there! On coming back out to the main road - what a laugh, single file traffic only! - the lights outside the newly built house gave the mist a strange bluish hue, and it seemed as if  nothing lay beyond my immediate environment , just a misty nothingness. stretching on into infinity.  Apart from speaking to my neighbour as I  picked up Portly for her walk, I have seen  no one and only spoken to people on the phone, so although  I know people are out there, really it was just a day of me and the chickens - I'm happy with that! 

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