
By Poppy

Carnage in the Kitchen!

For the last week or so there have been tiny tiny droppings in one small area of the kitchen worktop. I bought and set a trap with cheese, no success, with raisins, no success, with peanut butter, no success. The tasty bait was always gone, but no bodies!

After a week, I was getting a bit narked - I had been feeding these beasties with all these goodies, but not catching any! Probably encouraging them, rather than detering them! A friend had a good look at the trap and dropped it from about a foot onto the worktop - even that didn't spring the trap! Small wonder it hadn't caught anything - they probably thought it was a feeding station!

Today I got a new much superior trap - and an ultrasonic, electro magnetic deterrer too! I have now caught THREE little mouses! And they are just tiny little field mice, not big horrid dirty plague carrying rats. I hope the rest just get the idea, pack up and leave peacefully. I don't care for all this carnage . . . .

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