diary days

By Carie

Love technology!

I spent some time today "sharing" my daughter's experience of watching the Tall Ships arrive in the port of Amsterdam. Not by being physically with her there, but through the magic of technology via a live webcam. I could see her ship anchored (the 5 white masts and white hull at the top left hand side). I checked on a live ship positioning site first to check where her ship was, then managed to marry that up with a suitably positioned webcam on another website.

It always gives me such a buzz to see whatever ship she is on and know she is there. In the past I've watched her ship go through the Panama canal (even actually managed to identity a grainy image of her standing on the upper deck going through one of the locks). I've also seen her ship in Chile, Portugal, the Canaries and lots of other places around the world. It makes the long months that she is away at sea more bearable. And I know when I text her and tell her I can see her ship always gives her a buzz too. It also means I can send her a photo frpm a different viewpoint. I've just watched a fantastic fireworks display that they had a few minutes ago with all the Tall Ships lit up as a backdrop.

So today's blip is a bit of a cheat as it's a photo of the webcam shot on my computer screen! But that's why I think technology is such fun!

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