All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Spaghetti Engineering

Ethan had a playpark playdate with lots of his classmates today at Bellsquarry Park.  Some of them he  has already caught up with during the school holidays but some of them he hadn't seen since they broke up. Cue lots of very excited kids charging around!

We then hot footed it over to Linlithgow for the LUCS annual family fun day.  We made it just in time to see the cardboard boat race, then Ethan spent ages making a spaghetti and marshmallow structure (the kids were supposed to be making a bridge with the items but Ethan had other ideas)!.  Just time for an ice-cream before I took him to Beith for a 2 night sleepover with Granny and Grandpa for the final 2 days of the summer holidays.

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