All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Falirk Wheel

The weather forecast said it would be sunny all day today - it lied!  It was nice and sunny, interspersed with lots of wind and showers!  We didn't realise this until we got to the Falkirk Wheel though.  Still, Ethan had fun - tried Zorbing (Water walking), paddle boats, splashed around in the paddling area, ate the biggest (and most expensive!) ice-cream ever!  Next stop was to be the play area but it started getting just a bit too cold at that point so we gave up then.

Next we went to Doune to visit hubbies parents.  His Dad was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year and although hubbie has taken Ethan over to visit him since, I hadn't been yet.  It sounds like treatment is working though and hubbie said his Dad looked much better, so that's promising.

Ethan had been desperate to go to Zetland Park today too so we stopped off on our way home so he could have a ride around the cycle area there just to finish off the day      

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