Granddaughter has done a lot today!  Swimming with Grandbaby, a walk in the park and lunch out with Grandbaby's parents!  Than we took her to the war museum and finally the Lowry!  We ended up in Bella Italia for dinner! Delicious!

this is an exhibit in the Lowry: a huge ball with charcoal spikes which people are encouraged to push around.  The spikes marking the ceiling and walls!  Great fun! There's even someone with wipes to clean your hands!

"Named after Ada Lovelace, a 19th century mathematician and pioneer in computer programming, ADA is a post digital drawing machine; the gallery and ADA are the hardware and software and the visitors and resulting drawing the input and output. This truly participatory artistic experience bridges the gaps between sculpture, kinetic art and performance based practice."

Great shot of grandbaby here:

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