One Thousand Gifts

One thousand blips. Reminds me of one of my favourite books: One Thousand Gifts, A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are - "a celebration of grace and a recognition of the power of gratitude"; Ann Voskamp, the author, often uses her camera to see and record the gifts in her life, and that's what I've attempted to do through Blipfoto - an added bonus to share it with others who drop in - many of whom I don't even know about.

Today, here is something of all I am grateful for:
- this wonder-filled site, suffused with beauty, kindness, and a joy in life
- my husband, a willing Blip aide, and who lit all these candles for me
- my family, often the subjects of my photos
- Dave Taylor and the photographer who donated his old SLR to me
- Hamp5on, my Blipping mother (as well as a beautiful goddaughter)
- all the stunning gorgeousness of this world
- and the Creator, who made it all, out of love for us.

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