Sunrise Squirrel

I kept getting cramp in my feet last night, so when it happened again around 6am I decided I'd stay up! The sunrise looked promising and it was a perfect excuse to go down the track to check it out.

A branch of a large Oak tree was hanging down over the track, maybe a result of the storm the other night?  As I was looking at it I heard some familiar rustling and chattering coming from this gorgeous squirrel! It swished it's tail quite a few times at me and was joined 2 or 3 others leaping across the branches, with one even do a rather good impression of a flying squirrel.
I carried on down the track to the pond and the reservoir, where there was lots of steam on the water. It was so tranquil down there with only a few ducks around. I must do it again sometime. 

I've added extras of the clouds one to show the colour of the sky. The second extra was with the sunset filter making it more fiery than it actually was.

Mono Monday tomorrow is Bigger mm81 hosted by The Aphid

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