Are we ANY better off?

Don't times change?
As one or two may be aware I am a bit of a "snapper up of unconsidered trifles".
I had to search for the origin, though I'd heard the phrase a few times.
"The first snapper up of unconsidered trifles was Autolycus, in The Winter's Tale." 
I can think of no other reason for this still being in my possession.
So, with typical nosiness I set to investigate.
I remember, around that time dad was on about 5-6 quid per week; which would make "Mother's" Funeral roughly = 9-10 weeks pay.
(Explanation here - Dad was "Dad", Mam was "Mam" & Grandmother was known/addressed as"Mother".
We didn't have such things as Mums, Mummies, or Moms in those far off days.)
I looked up two modern equivalents.
I found a quote ref Averege weekly wage, which said
"....reaching an all time high of 494 GBP/Week in March of 2015...."

And one quoting:-
"On average, the price of a typical funeral, including non-discretionary fees and a burial or cremation, is £3,456".
(Seems a suspicious figure to me.)
Which seems to pan out at around 7 weeks pay.
So ... 
"Plus ça change~~~~~" EH?

Sociology, or culinary?
 Wot dat?

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