
By bananablip


I really like taking pictures of people. I know, for the most part, what to do: what lens to use, how the lens will work best and how to compose the picture. I just love it and I’m usually pretty pleased with the results.

But doing weddings has necessitated that I invest in a wide angle zoom lens and I have to admit that I do not have a clue what to do with it. It feels funny in my hands and nothing really looks great. And landscapes, honestly, don’t really do it for me. How do you make a landscape interesting? How do I frame things? Do I need a polarising filter? Do I need to carry a tripod with me everywhere? I feel like I’m starting all over again and I think it’s going to drive me mad.

Thankfully, we’ve got a week away in Yorkshire starting tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have time to get to grips with it.

In other news, I said goodbye to the final musketeer today. I’m so done with goodbyes, can they stop now please? Five weeks without chickensparrow is a hideous prospect but I’m trying not to be selfish about it because she’s going to be reunited with family, including a couple of very special nephews. Go well CS, have a great time but hurry back soon.

I backblipped yesterday’s emotional goodbye.

Thankfully, tomorrow holds in store lots of hellos and no goodbyes!

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