There and back again

By Mikes

River Teign

This morning we drove out to Mill Bridge and walked along the banks of the River Teign which flows off the moor. With all the rain we were not surprised to see the river running high.
The first mile or so the walk is through flat riverside fields with grazing cattle and, as Jinxy found out, a working electric fence which he has not come across before. The grass in parts was quiet long and will be cut for silage I imagine. At one point you can see the top of Castle Drogo above the trees. At the end of the fields you enter the Teign Gorge where the river runs between steep wooded sides. As you enter the gorge there is a suspension bridge which you can use to gain access to the right hand bank which has a track and easier walking or you can stay on the left hand side and follow the rough path. both lead to Fingle Bridge where there is a nice pub.

Today we walked to the fish ladder and returned the same way as we came. The water flowing over the ladder was torrential but amazing to watch.
Just below this point there used to be an old turbine house which supplied the Castle with electricity. The National Trust is in the process of reinstating this to working condition.

Then home to breakfast, stopping at Moretonhampstead for the papers and milk etc. I am now awaiting my instructions for the rest of the day!!

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