Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Day 5 - 51km - Jouloville to St Senier de Beuvon

By this time we had reached the bottom of the Cotentin Peninsula, and were in touching distance of Mont Saint Michel, but the rest of the gang weren't particularly bothered about fighting the tourists and I've been up it, so we didn't try and go to see it. This was the view as we cycled along the coast.

We stopped for lunch on the estuary, where I got a better picture of the Mont (see extra), and then we headed off inland towards a camp site on a farm.  Dicon made us go up the first of a series of unecessary hills to get to the supermarket, where we met an old bloke who was sure it was going to rain. It was hot and muggy but it never did.

The other extra photos for today are from the campsite: Leila running with Helios the horse, and another of Helios playing with hosepipe. Any horsey types know if this is normal behaviour for horses??

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