Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc


Thank goodness, at the weekend I was feeling like I couldn't stand my hair for another second so was relieved to see on my schedule I had a haircut this week.  Had two inches taken off.  She always styles it so nicely but it involves a lot of perfume-y product, as the heat of the day wore on I decided I couldn't take it and washed it all out and when I got home this evening.

A blip for my ongoing series of the salon magazines.  I decided to pass on reading the one with Playboy Mansion Hell on the front.  :-)

Watched the final episode of season 2 of True Detective, I have to say I think I preferred this season to the first one, I know that I'm in the minority on this.

Extra - Another 90ºF day, no one was sitting outside Peet's Coffee this afternoon, instead everyone was inside enjoying their books and beverages in air conditioned comfort.


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