Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

A Welcome Return

To the emergency flower blip!

I haven't left the house, but have unpacked the children's stuff and done lots and lots of washing. Key finds: the caramel wafers Ben bought for me while he was on hike in a chocolatey mess at the bottom of his eating bag, a LOT of socks, half a jam sandwich, and a loom band loom. All Ben's.

As well as the washing and sorting, we also watched War of the Worlds, I hope it doesn't give the children nightmares!

Meanwhile Ben's tummy ache turned into something a bit worse, he is a bit broken, poor love. A couple of quiet days needed, I think.

(P.s. back blipping has stalled slightly, I cba, but I will get back to it eventually)

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