
By Thepainterswife

I have a lot of flowers in the house this week. Just felt like cheering myself up.
Once vase has these beautiful Ranunculus (or they could be Anemones ?)

PS.. had our first drama with Lottie last night. She was playing with Ella, did a big flip/roll and then yelped and howled. Gave us such a fright...she didn't stop yelping , and it looked like she had done something serious to her front leg. So, Dave drove me and her straight to our vet who is only 5 mins away luckily. Poor Lottie was in pain...he gave her a pain killing injection, was pretty sure the leg was not broken, probably just bent it ! Said to come back this morning if she was still not ok, and would get an x-ray.
So.. this morning she is fine! Just like having a sort of panic when these things happen. She seems good though, and must have just hurt it  and got a fright herself.
So all happy again!

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