
By Cigs

Hammerman's Entry

Monday + office = bleurgh. Simple maths.

Actually, after I got my stress inducing one out of the way, it all flowed a bit more readily.

And so to the white hot crucible of Edinburgh in August (not meteorologically speaking, more the seething sea of humanity).So what would normally be a quick sprint round the block, nab a blip at the parliament, nab another one on Calton Road becomes an exercise in dodging tour parties,
"Ho, I've got a shooting schedule to keep to here" seems to cut no ice with them.
Eventually I struggled off Holyrood Road, narrowly avoided being trampled by a herd of leafleters intent on telling me about some must see physical comedy to snaffle this before almost thankfully heading back to the sanctuary of the office.

Black paint on 16th century wall, single underline; accompanied by bestie Deli.

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