Vegetable carnivores

I have a row of these lovely carnivorous plants growing beside a pond at Arduaine. I bought some 50 species and hybrids some years ago from a garden centre down in Twickenham. They were not selling so I got the lot for £20. Some were the species Sarracenia purpurea, the rest were named hybrids but I gave up on the names and planted the lot. Some didn't survive and some did well; they're mostly from SE USA but S. purpurea is native to NE USA and Canada - I've seen them growing and flowering in water in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. 

S. purpurea is quite hardy, surviving temperatures down to minus 20 C or below in their native home, but I'm not sure about the others. This specimen is one of two which I think are the same hybrid - they both look very healthy and flower well.

I've just looked them up on the website of the International Carnivorous Plant Society, where a photograph of a potted specimen has the following caption:
"The pot is not sitting in water since free water attracts squirrels and raccoons and overflowing water can damage the decking".

Just as well they're in the garden then!

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