Gloucester - Most inland port in Britain

I chose this photo amongst all the (organized) selfies that I took because I have a wee bit of story to tell. I was of course setting up my dslr (which looks massive with the attached battery grip on it) and attached it to a tripod. People were walking in and about this area of the dock while others were sitting on the benches just behind me. As I started my intervalometer and positioned myself in front of the camera, a lof of tourists were headig towards my way as I was doing several cutesy poses, timing myself with the shutter clicks. As this one family walked past me, the mother who was clearly amused by my silliness, shouted "Wonderful!". That made me give my sweetest smile in this photo. As I was obviously embarassed by it, I immediately stood up gathered my things and thanked her for the "wonderful" comment. I couldnt thank her enough when I looked at the beautiful shot I got. Yeah i rarely like how i look in photos, so liking this is something else.

This place was actually the last bit of attraction that I visited in Gloucester today. When I arrived (i missed my second train at Birmingham and had to wait for another hour), I immediately went to St Oswald's Priory which did not take me too long to have a look around since the ruins was pretty much just one small stretch of a wall. I spent my next few hours looking around the city for the historic pubs, the Scrumpty thingy, the dockyard and visiting Gloucester Cathedral (my main purpose of visiting GLoucester). The Scrumpty thingy was just an added trail to my visit since I saw several kids with their moms running around the city looking for them with a map on hand. I didnt get a map (could have gotten from the train station but I didnt check the maps rack for a free one). I think I must have found 12 out of the 20 Scrumpties. I did, however, completed the historic pubs (well sort of). I sort of found all of them but one of the 14 had actually a different name today than advertised in my guide. It said that its name should be "The Union" but the pub on the actual area was named ""Molly's Bar". I knew it was the correct bar because the photo in the guide was the same as the actual building. It must have changed management over the course of time but the guide pamphlet has not been updated.

Last stop to this trip was around the dockyard. It was extensive. I thought that I was just going to spend 30mins in the area but I ended up staying there for about two hours. There were outlet shops (to my surprise!), numerous fancy restaurants, luxurious boats and lots of people basking under the sun. One woman took it to the extreme and laid down by the main basin quay wearing a nice pastel blue two piece. But to be fair, she chose the lesser crowded area of the dock and so only a few strollers got to see her. Since I tried circling the whole dockyard, I got the chance to see her. I had to stop myself from taking a photo of her. I wouldnt want to get in trouble. There was this not-so-young man sitting on the bench next to her though. Probably enjoying the nice view he was having :)

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