Bring me sunshine

"A sorrow's crown of sorrow Is remembering happier things."
                 Alfred, Lord Tennyson, (1809-1892) Locksley Hall

The original photo (extra pic) was taken 9th August 2014 in the hospice gardens, and freshly tampered with tonight. 

Tennyson was my Father 's favourite poet.  

The day began with an SMS from my brother that my youngest nephew (aged seven) had been unwell last night and rushed into hospital for suspected appendicitis - and then proceeded to wait all day, with nil by mouth, 17 hours in all, for the operation due to unexpected delays in theatre caused by an RTA. That's NHS for you.  

My day ended with hearing that he was finally out of theatre and is ok.  His Mum will stay with him in the hospital tonight. My brother has taken the other two kids home with him.

Meanwhile, a zillion miles away, I also try to cope with this first anniversary of loss. I choose the first picture ever taken of us together for an extra. Neither of us look our best.  I am five days old.  Dad is 25.  

I don't know how to process today.  Memory lane, bring me sunshine to remember happier things, times.  Saturday nights.  In the seventies, everyone said that Dad looked just like Eric...  My bro and I raise a glass to Dad together by SMS at 9pm GMT. It helps.

On a brighter note, friends (colleagues) arrived early evening and are staying here for the week.  I hope they love it here as much as I do.

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