Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Look! A Luna!

Thank you for all the wonderful comments and stars for the Io Moth yesterday! What a treat!

I have fallen behind in visits....but I do try to get a Blip in each day.

I have learned that when daughter screams out, I had better grab the camera. This morning's summoms by her turned out to be profitable on my behalf!

It seems when Daughter turned the crank to open the umbrella at the table on the deck, a Luna Moth just happened to fall down upon her head! Thus, the loud outburst!

The moth then flew on the table that was still a little wet from the dew and he just rested there before taking off and hiding in a maple tree. (Poor rascal was probablt scared out of his wits!) Before leaving the tabletop, the moth did pose quite nicely for me. Once again, I was thrilled!

The first photo I showed of a Luna a couple of weeks ago was not so nice as he was resting on the window and I just couldn't get a good angle. I noticed upon getting a good look at this moth, he has not only a pair of "eyes" on his bottom wings, but the top ones as well. Also nicely visible are the fellow's antennae, which look for all intents and purposes like feathers!

Oh lucky day!

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