Now there's a thought!

Now this just has to be my favourite birthday card, opened this morning on what is my 69th birthday, which slides me very nicely into my 70th year.  "How can that possibly be" I hear you say, but yes I'm definitely on the wrong side of 21.  I think a year of naughtiness, silliness and extremes should be the order of the next twelve months.  All suggestions gratefully received and instantly forgotten as the brain's not what it used to be.

There were eleven of us on our evening walk over to the next village and the weather was perfect.  See extra.

Mind you it nearly didn't end well when my friend Christine very gracefully slid off the wooden bridge between two fields and landed with her feet in the air.  Fortunately she was unhurt and her husband managed to extracate her fairly easily.  She was covered in debris though so didn't finish the walk in the same state as she started it.  I'm sure we'll laugh about it tonight when they and another couple come for dinner.  Oh, I do hate cooking and dread to think what I'll serve up.

Many apologies for the total lack of comments yesterday and I'm afraid today is going to be the same.  So much to do.

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