
Our friends Karen & Andy have travelled down from South Yorkshire to see us, and have rented an apartment nearby. So they came round last night and brought champagne and goodies. We only see each other a few times a year, but whenever we do, we just pick up from the last time and it's like we've never been apart.

My other news today is that I went back to see the surgeon for the results following my op, and I guess now it's time to let you know what's happened. After a routine mammogram I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I had surgery to remove the lump, or lumps as it turned out to be.

The surgeon said yesterday that all the cancer has been removed, but that I need chemo as a preventative measure. However, he said that if we hadn't found it when we did, it could have been a very different story! I have to see the oncologist next week to discuss my treatment and will know more then.

I have a lot of mixed emotions, but mostly I'm thankful that it was found - it's very scary to think what could have been!

I'd like to thank you for your lovely comments and support, I'm lucky to have you all as friends. And all you ladies out there, please get your boobs checked!

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