New pool

A lot of people who exercise regularly will tell you that the key to managing that is to have a routine. I don't have a routine. I struggle every week to fit in my two runs and two swims, especially when I'm often travelling with work. 

One of the complicating factors has been that I only swim at Whoop Hall, which is near where I live. The Minx has suggested I go to the pool near her on a number of occasions but I always find a reason not to. Recently, though, I've admitted to myself that it's because I don't know the routine there. You know, whom to pay, where the changing rooms are, and so on. Even the etiquette; the subtlest of horrors.

And once I'd accepted that, I knew I'd have to sort it out. So, today, I went down to Chorley leisure centre, paid my three pounds, picked up a wrist band, and followed the Minx's slightly worrying directions regarding the 'changing village', which, whilst unisex, still has an unofficial segregation between men and women. (Apparently. It could be that this is 100% a Minx policy.)

But once I was changed and in the pool, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The pool is longer than the one at the Whoop and also it's a fast pool, with the water level with the edge of the pool. Plus, the there are lanes for people doing lengths, which was rather nice as well.

You can join the people of Chorley in being pleased that I remembered to keep my trunks on in the unisex shower, and I was rather pleased with myself for going along. And I'm looking forward to swimming there again.

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