Blue, Bad & Good

Some blue blip shades today to celebrate friday and the beginning of weekend!

The main shot is the capture from my late night bicycle trip today, not more that some 6km, but it was lovely to ride in darkening extraordinary warm night.

The flover of the evening in extra shots asks that can you believe, that The Summer Finally Is Here +27c today, sunny and lovely!?

Stars whirlpool is the capture of the night - Maybe I will find something nice out of this idea...

Bad news are that both teens of the family are in flu now, so our home sounds like a tuberculosis hospital. One is having gough and fever, the other has only fancy sounding gough.

And finally good news: My father (with escapism habbits) in the dementia home has now found nice men to chat with all day long - so it seems that he has no time to think about escaping... Long may continue the feeling!

Have a nice weekend!

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