Sunlight Agapanthus

Absolutely lousy morning, grey drizzly..........up ready and out just after 10 to drive the 35 mins to meet up with sis and friend as planned. Sally sat nav took me on a right old merry dance, the motorway was stop start all the actually took me almost an hour to get there!

We met up and started our mooching......I wanted some new cushions for on our sofa, but the ones I liked were far too expensive. I'm not for spending best part of £100 on two cushions!! We had an enjoyable lunch.......I had cheddar cheese and tomatoe quiche with salad. We resumed our browsing, I bought a new Helly Hansen top for Pilates ;-)

We went our separate ways mid afternoon. I picked up a couple of things from the supermarket before setting off home. The journey back was equally testing......the rush hour seems to start earlier and earlier, even before 4pm the motorway was nose to tail, another hour to get home!!!

By the time I got back, the weather had really improved, lovely blue skies and that yellow shiny thing in the sky had appeared :-) hub made me a cuppa and we sat in the garden for a while, really quite warm! I got my camera and had a stroll around the garden. I was looking for a butterfly to,blip, but only got one, and I wasn't keen on the shot, but I did like the sunlight on this agapanthus that is just beginning to open up.

Our lodgers are away tonight, so we have the house to ourselves.....although the it is,quiz night and we are back to full strength, so we'll see how it goes this week ;-)

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