Certain Similarities

After having such a lovely evening yesterday in perfect weather at the House of Creel with its 3 Michelin stars, we aquaplaned along roads like rivers in a landscape completely shrouded in cloud this morning to meet Poppy in Kirkwall for a coffee and blether. At least I met Poppy for the blether while His Lordship entertained himself in Tesco and assorted other places.
It was good to have some girlie time with much laughter thrown in before HL and I headed off to the Fossil Centre for lunch.

All was tickety boo until we turned for home and the car did its dying act on us again, the act which showed no symptoms in the garage on Monday but cost us £100 in computer upgrade. We made the return journey this afternoon to the same garage at 10 mph with the hazard lights on. We held out collective breaths on every hill from Burray to Kirkwall but made it, only to find it a holiday with no mechanics on duty.
The car is now in the sick bay and we are on the bus. We have a week to get it sorted or it will be a long journey home at 10 miles an hour.

However the sun has come out as if in compensation and Stromness is basking in the sun.
This blip of one of the barriers across Scapa Flow reminds me a little of the tumble of grey houses that is Stromness.

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