One Tree in August
Today’s picture is of my ‘One Tree’ in August, the tree also forms part of my ‘One Street’ project. It was cloudy when I took this picture although there have been some bright sunny intervals during the day.
I did some more gardening this morning, cutting back and tying up some large shrubs and trees in the curved border. Some of them had become very large and were blocking the light from other smaller shrubs. Today I worked on my own as Oliver and Victoria were with my husband, measuring the height of house and calculating the flood risk; much more fun it seems than gardening. Much of Newport would be underwater before we were and although we know this it will not do for insurance purposes. I am still trying to obtain a ‘flood risk’ certificate!
To see the previous seven pictures in this series, click here.
Gerald (the poorly frog from yesterday), disappeared yesterday evening, but was back sitting on his wooden raft this morning; he seems quite relaxed so hopefully he will survive.
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