The Coronation

We took a walk down to P's school today to see the holiday/after school club in action and hand in her registration forms. The lady who runs it is lovely and P was very impressed with the bouncy castle!

We came home via the park and both kiddies had a good run around.

When A went for his nap this afternoon P and I played 'Frozen' for about an hour before I convinced her to do some crafts. We set about making some bird feeders. After two coats of paint they looked quite good and we plan to finish them at the weekend.

A woke up from his nap with a cough and a high temperature. He then asked to go back to bed after he had had some Calpol. It's now nearly 8 o'clock and I'm not sure weather he's just going to sleep right through the night or if I'm in for a very interesting night! This is uncharted territory...

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