The Whistlers

The Whistlers Ducks are back in their hundreds at the Botanic Garden in Bundaberg.  They're a really interesting breed because you very rarely see them in the water.  They're usually all grouped together on the banks of the lake chattering away.  The Gardens are a blippers paradise and today was no different.

Tiny Tuesday Week 10
I'm delighted to announce that osuzanna has very kindly put her hat in the ring to be the host for Tiny Tuesday during the month of August.  This is great news as I was concerned how I could keep on top of the task with the threat of very poor internet connection looming over the coming weeks when I'm travelling to Western Australia.  The past couple of weeks in Bundaberg have convinced me that it would be almost impossible.  Irregular internet connections can be extremely frustrating to say the least.

Tiny Tuesday continues to go from strength to strength and has really taken on a life of its own.  Obviously there are many dozens of blippers throughout the world who are passionate about macro photography and the TT Challenge just gives us all a chance to check in once a week and an opportunity to learn from so many brilliant macro aficianados. 

osuzanna is one of those genius, passionate macro gurus in my eyes and it will be great to see her weekly suggestions over the month of August.  However, it will be wonderful if we can spread the load so that we can keep the macro magic going, so please don't hesitate to contact either Suzanne or myself if you can step into the hosting role, even if it's for a week, it will be much appreciated.

Now down to business, please don't forget to tag your entries this week with the tags:-

Tiny Tuesday

PS - Can I just add that one of my favourite macro photographers is Gatekeeper from the UK.  Unfortunately Gatekeeper doesn't have the means to tag her images so we haven't had the pleasure of seeing her images appear in the Tiny Tuesday Challenge.  However if you want to view some truly inspiring macro images, I urge you to race across to her amazing journal. and have a browse her amazing images,  I'm sure you won't be disappointed :-)) 

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