Friday Foto

By drmackem


Early on at work this morning I had a contact lens incident, having no replacement and having forgotten my readers, this rendered me visually challenged in one eye and fine in the other.

I was to be seen looking at skin lesions, sclera, appendices, computer screens and post with one eye scrunched up the other opened, by lunch time I was considering putting a patch over it and beginning to talk pirate. Phrases such as "well my hearties let's see what's crawled out of your bung hole" or "Ahoy Mrs Smith come in here you buxom wench" sprung to mind. Cleary I was becoming a bit unbalanced.

It got me wondering, with many doctors in the UK taking industrial action next week if a more imaginative approach would be if we all developed pirate patois for the day. It would make the news a good news story, make the government look silly, mean no operations cancelled and altogether make a point more jollily. Not sure that I'd want an operation done on me by someone an eye patch on and a parrot on their shoulder but you get the drift. Not sure what anaesthetists and psychiatrists would do as they talk pirate normally. Perhaps I'll suggest it on Monday, we could dress up and drink grog all day (still not sure what anaesthetist and psychiatrist would do differently though).

Pretty lame photo journal connection today - hook, Captain Hook?... just getting a bit giddy with the thought of a day off tomorrow and trying not to think about the football.

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