Balloon Festival

It was hot but that seems to be the theme this summer.  I think we have had more days over 90 degrees than we have had in many years. 

Still, you want to get out and enjoy the sunshine and longer days before they are gone to the gray, cold days.  My sister had gotten tickets to the hot air balloon festival and asked my husband and I to go.  At the end of the day after the balloons had taken off, there was a concert on the grounds.  Don't laugh but we saw Kansas.  I remember liking them in high school but hadn't really followed the band. 

We did a lot of walking and there was a big tent set up that was selling food and drinks.  Right around sunset the balloons started filling up.  There were hundreds of them.  It wasn't easy to capture because they moved quickly once up in the air.  I got an interesting view with this shot looking right up into the balloon. 

The concert turned out to be pretty good and hearing the old songs while sitting outside in the cooler night air was nice. 

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